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Publishing Made Easy

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Electronic Books

An assortment of downloadable titles for your e-reader

Printing and Publishing Services

Publishing, Writing and Printing Services

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Soft Girl Era Journal

By Paris Chantel

Publishing and Writing Services

Publishing and Writing Services





Writing Services

Author Support


865 323-2436

Publishing Packages





Our Bronze Package is designed for the Author who desires to publish only. All other processes have been met. This option includes Amazon distribution.


The Silver Package is for Authors who need additional service. includes the Bronze package copyrights, formatting, and residual setup.

Our Gold Package is ideal for authors who have Brands, and platforms. This option includes all services and 100 professional printed books.

Sacha Dubois


The Platinum Package is unique as it affords authors the opportunity to custom their package. This option also includes Writing Services.



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Meet the Publisher

Publisher Marsha EB is a writer, Author and Entrepreneur. The former Entertainment manager has worked in the industry for over 20 years, writing scripts, speeches and articles. An acclaimed Ghostwriter and Publisher, Marsha“s clients have achieved Best Seller status. Emmitch Publishing was created to assist authors with getting their books in the hands of readers easy. As an author I understand the importance and the need for writers to protect their work. Once a victim, I lost my voice in the editing process and found that other creators had fallen prey to gimmicks and hidden cost. Our mission at Emmitch Publishing is for authors to have a safe place where they can get their Work published with integrity. Our motto is “Publish Your Way, Publishing Made Easy“. We look forward to making your dreams of becoming a Published Author come to fruition!

Publisher Marsha EB

Marsha EB

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865 323-2436




Marsha is a phenomenal writer and speaker. Her ability to capture the needs of her audience is second to none. After being in her presence you'll feel like you can achieve anything.

Roi Ford

Pastor _Certified John Maxwell Life Coach

I have always wanted to write a book, I just couldn't get started. I won a Publishing Giveaway, Emmitch Publishing walked me through the entire process. This bookis dedicated to my mother.

Shannia Hudson

Author/ Entrepreneur

I didn't realize how easy it would be to tell my story and bring and have it in hands of thousands. I'm now working on two more books! Thank you Emmitch Publishing.

Prophet Reuben

AUTHOR / Content Creator

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865 323-2436